How to say "That or Those" in Italian
That or those, can be demonstrative adjectives by pointing to a noun or demonstrative pronouns by replacing the noun they are pointing to. As with the definite and indefinite articles in Italian, the words for this and these must agree with the noun to which they are pointing in gender and number.
If you would like to learn more about demonstratives, please see the note at the bottom of this page.
Italian has (7) choices for "that and those" and the method for choosing which one to use is as follows:
(click on Quell', Quello, Quel, Quella, Quegli, Quei or Quelle for brief pronunciation examples)For singular nouns (that)
Quell' - Use this for all singular nouns starting with a vowel.
Quello - use this for all masculine singular nouns starting with a "z" or a "s" + a consonant.
Quel - use this for all other masculine singular nouns starting with a consonant.
Quella - use this for all feminine singular nouns starting with a consonant.
For plural nouns (those)
Quegli - use this for all masculine plural nouns starting with a vowell, "z" or a "s" + a consonant.
Quei - use this for all other masculine plural nouns starting with a consonant.
Quelle -use this for all feminine plural nouns.
Click on the appropriate demonstrative for the noun to the right
Singular Nouns bambino bambina amica zaino carrota gonna edificio stomaco dottore (M) esperienza arancia libro lezione (F) studente (M) autostrada barca motorino zio cucchiaio motocicletta donna spuntino treno opinione (F) |
Plural Nouns bambini bambine amiche zaini carote gonne edifici stomaci dottori esperienze arancie libri lezioni studenti autostrade barche motorini zii cucchiai motociclette donne spuntini treni opinioni |
Singular & Plural Nouns ragazzi negozzio banane spazzolino guerra professore mela colline incarico ospiti piatti comodini stivali scrivanie monumenti teatro appunti strumento cartelle letture compito assegno bandiera matita |
You can learn more about demonstratives on pages 133 - 135 and 169 - 172 of "English Grammar for Students of Italian", pages 150 - 152 of "Ciao", pages 76 - 84 of "Complete Italian Grammar or pages 101 - 104 of "Italian Pronouns and Prepositions". If you do not own any of these books, don't worry, it is not mandatory that you do. However, they can be very useful in a lot of ways and if you would like to know more about these books and where to buy them, simply go to our online bookstore. blog comments powered by Disqus