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Laura Pausini - "Io Canto" Music Videos

Laura Pausini is Italian pop. Her music is beautiful, high quality and the vast majority of the time her words are crystal clear. In my opinion that makes this CD a great buy for those wanting to listen to it to help tune their ear to Italian. Now, naturally being music it is full of idiomatic expressions and poetic license making it different than listening to a conversation in Italian but for the student of Italian it is a pleasant way to expand your vocabulary and to test yourself seeing just how much you can understand. This is a single CD that is packed with songs that I personally love. Once again, understanding that every body has different tastes, I placed music videos for (4) of the songs on this CD here so you can see and hear for yourself if you think you would enjoy his music. So....having said that.....Ascolti a Laura Pausini e divertirsi!

Available here - Laura Pausini!
Io Canto