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Common Colors in Italian

This chart shows the names of some of the more common colors in Italian for both the masculine and femine / singular and plural

The Color English Masc. Sing. Fem. Sing. Masc. Plur. Fem. Plur.
Blue Blu Blu Blu Blu
Green Verde Verde Verde Verde
Yellow Giallo Gialla Gialli Gialle
Orange Arancione Arancione Arancione Arancione
Red Rosso Rossa Rossi Rosse
Purple Porpora Porpora Porpora Porpora
Brown Marrone Marrone Marrone Marrone
Pink Rosa Rosa Rosa Rosa
Black Nero Nera Neri Nere
White Bianco Bianca Bianchi Bianche
Gold Dorato Dorata Dorati Dorate
Violet Viola Viola Viola Viola
Beige Beige Beige Beige Beige
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