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Idiomatic Expressions using Fare, Dare, Stare and Avere

Idiomatic expressions in Italian can be quite different than those in English. For instance in many cases where we use the verb to be they use "Avere" which is to have. We say I am hungry where as they say "ho fame" or I have hunger.

You will notice in the list below you have an infinitive form of a verb and then the rest of the expression. For instance "Fare (infinitive) una passeggiata". This is translated as "to take a walk". To use this expression you need to conjugate the infinitive verb. Below are a few examples;

Faccio una passeggiata (I take a walk)
Fai una passeggiata (you take a walk)
Fanno una passeggiata (they take a walk)

Here are a few idiomatic expressions

Fare una passeggiata
Fare le spese
Fare la spesa
Fare il bagno
Fare la doccia
Fare colazione
Fare un viaggio
Fare una domanda
Fare una foto

Dare un esame
Dare la mane

Stare attento
Stare zitto
Stare bene
Stare male

Avere fame
Avere sete
Avere sonno
Avere paura (di)
Avere bisogno (di)
Avere caldo
Avere freddo
Avere ragione
Avere torto
to take a walk
to go shopping
to go grocery shopping
to take a bath
to take a shower
to have breakfast
to take a trip
to ask a question
to take a photo

to take an exam
to shake hands

to pay attention
to be quiet
to be well
to be ill

to be hungry
to be thirsty
to be sleepy
to be afraid of
to need
to be hot
to be cold
to be right
to be wrong
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