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Vocabulary - Some Italian ARE verbs

On the left you will see an English word or phrase, on the far right you will see corresponding Italian words

Click on the numeric button that represents the Italian word which matches the English word on that line.

We jump 1. lavorate
You have lunch 2. saltiamo
I play 3. suono
Y'all work 4. abitano
They live 5. pranzi

You sing 1. gira
She turns 2. volate
You learn 3. cambia
He changes 4. canti
Y'all fly 5. impari

You try 1. gioco
They help 2. provi
Y'all stop 3. balla
I play 4. aiutano
She dances 5. fermate

You wash 1. studiate
We remember 2. ricordiamo
Y'all study 3. lavi
I taste 4. litigano
They quarrel 5. gusto

He returns 1. viaggiamo
Y'all ask 2. ritorna
They count 3. trovano
We travel 4. domandate
They find 5. contano

You have dinner 1. portiamo
I rest 2. riposo
We bring 3. ceni
I notice 4. comincia
He begins 5. noto

I forget 1. dimentico
We slow down 2. tagliamo
She walks 3. rallentiamo
We cut 4. cammina
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