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Vocabulary - Italian ordinal numbers

On the left you will see an English word, on the far right you will see corresponding Italian words

Click on the numeric button that represents the Italian word which matches the English word on that line.

fifteenth 1. primo
ninth 2. quindicesimo
second 3. millesimo
first 4. nono
thousandth 5. secondo

millionth 1. ventitreesimo
eleventh 2. milionesimo
twentieth 3. ventesimo
twenty-third 4. sesto
sixth 5. undicesimo

twelfth 1. decimo
fourth 2. dodicesimo
third 3. duemillesimo
tenth 4. quarto
two-thousandth 5. terzo

eighth 1. sedicesimo
twenty-first 2. ventunesimo
sixteenth 3. ottavo
eighteenth 4. centesimo
hundredth 5. diciottesimo

thirteenth 1. quinto
fourteenth 2. tredicesimo
three thousandth 3. settimo
fifth 4. quattordicesimo
seventh 5. tremillesimo
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