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Vocabulary - Some Italian verbs in the future tense

On the left you will see an English word or phrase, on the far right you will see corresponding Italian words

Click on the numeric button that represents the Italian word which matches the English word on that line.

We will jump 1. lavorerete
You will have lunch 2. salteremo
I will play 3. suonerò
Y'all will work 4. abiteranno
They will live 5. pranzerai

You will sing 1. girerà
She will turn 2. volerete
You will learn 3. cambierà
He will change 4. canterai
Y'all will fly 5. imparerai

You will try 1. giocherò
They will help 2. proverai
Y'all will stop 3. ballerà
I will play 4. aiuteranno
She will dance 5. fermerete

You will wash 1. studierete
We will remember 2. ricorderemo
Y'all will study 3. laverai
I will taste 4. litigeranno
They will quarrel 5. gusterò

He will return 1. viaggieremo
Y'all will ask 2. ritornerà
They will count 3. troveranno
We will travel 4. domanderete
They will find 5. conteranno

You will have dinner 1. porteremo
I will rest 2. riposerò
We will bring 3. cenerai
I will notice 4. comincierà
He will begin 5. noterò

I will forget 1. dimenticherò
We will slow down 2. taglieremo
She will walk 3. rallenteremo
We will cut 4. camminerà
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