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Vocabulary - Italian Verbs in the Imperative tense

On the left you will see an English word or phrase, on the far right you will see corresponding Italian words

Click on the numeric button that represents the Italian word which matches the English word on that line.

Wait! 1. Ascolta!
Don't talk! 2. Non dire!
Listen! 3. Aspettate!
Answer! 4. Parta!
Leave! 5. Rispondi!

Don't jump! 1. Corrano!
Don't go! 2. Non saltate!
Close! 3. Ceniamo!
Run! 4. Non Andare!
Let's have dinner! 5. Chiudete!

Believe! 1. Balliamo!
Speak! 2. Credete!
Don't believe! 3. Non creda!
Let's dance! 4. Pensi!
Think! 5. Parlino!

Don't lie! 1. Mangia!
Eat! 2. Applaudi!
Don't hit! 3. Ubbidisca!
Obey! 4. Non mentire!
Clap! 5. Non Colpite!

Don't follow! 1. Puliamo!
Don't fear! 2. Non seguano!
Don't push! 3. Offriamo!
Let's clean! 4. Non Temere!
Let's offer! 5. Non spingano!

Share! 1. Leggi!
Correct! 2. Correggete!
Read! 3. Condividano!
Write! 4. Non cadano!
Don't fall! 5. Scriva!

Run! 1.Chieda!
Don't break! 2. Corri!
Let's insist! 3. Vinciamo!
Ask! 4. Non rompa!
Let's win! 5. Insistiamo!

Don't swim! 1. Voliamo!
Explain! 2. Spiega!
Let's fly! 3. Non nuotare!
Wash! 4. Aiutate!
Help! 5. Lava!

Ask! 1. Studino!
Change! 2. Cambia!
Study! 3. Domandino!
Let's slow down! 4. Guidi!
Drive! 5. Rallentiamo!
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