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If you want to participate in the Italian/English email exchange

Sign up for a seat at the Italian Table

As with any public forum on the internet we would like to encourage you to use wisdom when deciding how much personal information you share with others. One can never be too careful. You may also consider opening an online email account just for this use. Email safely and above all, live, learn and have fun!

Please report any abuses to cwfromsc@gmail.com immediately

Click here for a current list of available writing partners

Name: (Required)

Are you Italian or American? (Required)

City and Country you live in: (Required)

Describe the level of your second language, English or Italian.
(very good, good, fair, not so good, almost none) (Required)

Write a brief introduction about yourself.

Would you like to;
Connect on Facebook
Exchange Email Addresses
All of the above

Your Email Address: (Required)

Your Facebook ID:

Your Skype ID:

Can we post your meetup profile photo with your listing?

What if any of your contact information above would you like posted in your listing. Your name, level of language skill, town and introduction will automatically be posted. Anything else is only posted with your permission. If you do not post contact information they will have to contact me and ask me to send thier contact information to you for them.

Click here for a current list of available writing partners

If you are not a member of meetup but want a photo with your listing please send your photo to cwfromsc@gmail.com

These postings are done manually so they may not appear immediately.

Here are 2 sample listings (1 with and 1 without contact permissions)

Chuck Wagner (Carlo)
Charleston, South Carolina, USA

My Italian is "Fair"

I can be reached at cwfromsc@gmail.com
I am a part of the Italian language group in Charleston SC and would like to find a friend in Italy that I can exchange emails with so I can help them with their English and receive help with my Italian.

Chuck Wagner (Carlo)
Charleston, South Carolina, USA

My Italian is "Fair"

Chuck has opted to not make his contact information public. If you would like to send your contact information to him send an email saying; "Please give my email address to Chuck Wagner to; cwfromsc@gmail.com
I am a part of the Italian language group in Charleston SC and would like to find a friend in Italy that I can exchange emails with so I can help them with their English and receive help with my Italian.

If and when you have enough people to write contact me at cwfromsc@gmail.com and I will add the note; "Sorry, I am not accepting any more table partners at this time" It will appear as follows;

Chuck Wagner (Carlo)
Charleston, South Carolina, USA

My Italian is "Fair"

I can be reached at cwfromsc@gmail.com
I am a part of the Italian language group in Charleston SC and would like to find a friend in Italy that I can exchange emails with so I can help them with their English and receive help with my Italian.

"Sorry, I am not accepting any more table partners at this time"

Click here for a current list of available writing partners

Please report any abuses to cwfromsc@gmail.com immediately