As with any public forum on the internet we would like to encourage you to use wisdom when deciding how much personal information you share with others. You may even want to start another email account just for this purpose as spam could result. One can never be too careful. Email safely and above all, live, learn and have fun!
To sign up and post your listing go to The Table Partner sign up sheet
Americans and other English speakers wanting to email Italians
Please report any abuses to immediately |
Chuck Wagner (Carlo) American Charleston, South Carolina, USA My Italian is "Fair" I can be reached at Or on facebook as Il Tavolo Italiano or on skype as tavoloitaliano |
I am a part of the Italian language group in Charleston SC and would like to find a friend in Italy that I can exchange emails with so I can help them with their English and receive help with my Italian. Maybe we could even meet someday! |
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Denise Marion American Charleston, South Carolina, USA My Italian is "not so good" I can be reached at Or on facebook as |
I recently moved to Charleston South Carolina, and want to learn Italian. I hope to visit Italy at least once a year and maybe someday buy a vacation villa in Calabria or near the Gargano in Puglia. I want to learn how to have a conversation in Italian. |
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Paula Dezzutti American Charleston, South Carolina, USA My Italian is "fair to good" I can be reached at |
I am learning what I heard as a child. I am engulfed in the Italian traditions of my family heritage and love my culture. As a business woman and educator I want to share what I know. |
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Melissa American Charleston, South Carolina, USA My Italian is "not so good" I can be reached at Or on facebook as mac613 |
I studied in Italy when I was in college almost 20yrs ago and have been back several times since then for visits, including my wedding, but have lost my language skills over the years. I am a physician and have difficult hours, but email would be a great way to practice since I can write at any time! :) |
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Joseph Stringer American Summerville, South Carolina, USA Just beginning at Italian I can be reached at Or on facebook as Joseph Stringer |
We are traveling to Italy in April. Have listened to language tapes, but want to expand our language skills. Io parlo e capisco un po. :) |
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Dianne J. Shaver American Charleston, SC, USA I know almost no Italian but want to learn I can be reached at |
I love all things Italian: the culture, the art, the music, the food, the language, the warmth of the people. Would like to be able to express myself in this beautiful language. Would also like to help someone with their English and maybe answer some questions about living in the States. |
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Rick Malaspina American (Italian descent) Oakland, California, USA My Italian is good I can be reached at |
Born in San Francisco, 1951. Grandparents emigrated from Italy (Lombardia) to San Francisco in the 1890s and early 1900s. I was a journalist and later a public affairs official for the Bank of America and the University of California before retiring three years ago. My wife and I visit the Charleston area often, where our grandchildren live. I have just produced a book (mostly photos, with text) called "Italian Oakland" (available on on the history of the Italian American community of Oakland, a city of 400,000 across the bay from San Francisco. We live in Oakland. I have cousins in the village of Varzi, outside Milan, and have visited there twice in recent years; I first visited while in college 35 years ago. Also have cousins who live in Torino and Firenze. We have spent time in Rome and hope to return soon. I grew up speaking Italian at home and studied it in college. |
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Kerri Forrest American Charleston, South Carolina, USA My Italian is fair I can be reached at |
Hi I'm Kerri a new student to Italian. I'm in my late 30s and just returned to Charleston, SC after living in Washington, DC. I began studying a year ago before a trip to Italy last fall and am now continuing to learn with Il Tavalo Italiano. My hope is to finally be able to have a full conversation in Italian by September of this year! I look forward to meeting my Italian pen pal. |
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John W American Seattle, USA My Italian is not so good I can be reached at or as jwphoto63 on skype |
I'm just now learning Italian and would like to chat via skype with native Italians. I will be visiting Rome and Sicily in October 2011 and would like to know the language better. |
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Heather American Baltimore, United States My Italian is not so good I can be reached at |
Hello, my name is Heather. I am a college student currently learning Italian, and will be visiting Italy this summer. I would love someone who could help me work on my Italian.
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Sherry Lee Swan American Charleston, SC United States My Italian needs work I can be reached at |
I am a teacher who has been to Italy long ago.
(Sono un insignante che ha visitato tempo fa l'Italia.)
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Monica American Charleston, SC My Italian is not so good I can be reached at |
I love to travel, especially to Italy. I am open minded and enjoy learning and meeting new people.
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Maggie American Wandering from place to place, USA My Italian is fair I can be reached at |
Ciao! I studied abroad a Firenze e poi ho lavorato a Milano. I am forgetting all my italian and make MANY errors, but more or less can say what I would like to say. I'm looking for someone who wouldn't mind correcting me and whom I can chat with! I'm a grad student in health and am bouncing around the country at the moment. I would love to hear your story and help with english if you would like! email is best, maybe skype later!
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Kim American Texas (USA) My Italian is not so good I can be reached at |
Hi I am an American Student. I want to improve my Italian before I visit in Summer 2011.
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Heather American Charleston, SC My Italian is fair I can be reached at |
Ciao! I am 35 years old and living in Charleston, SC. I studied Italian during college for 4 years and had an opportunity to study abroad in Venice. I love everything about the language, culture and food.
Chris Hodgdon American Summerville, SC, US My Italian is at the very beginner level but learning I can be reached at |
My wife and I are in a local Italian language class. We are planning an upcoming trip, to do a small tour of Italy and would like to talk with locals on ideas and also better our Italian speech. We would be glad to help you learn English as well.
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Lisa American California, US My Italian is almost non-existant I can be reached at Or on facebook as tialisamiller |
46 year old single Native American mother of two.
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Don Bommarito American Charleston, SC, USA My Italian is not so good I can be reached at Or on skype as donbom1 |
Hi I have always wanted to learn Italian and I am finally getting to do that. My father's parents came from Italy and my mother's parents from the Ukraine thus only english was spoken in our home. I have been to Italy twice and will be going to Rome and Sicily next April. I would like to be able to have some knowledge in order to be able to have a simple conversation in Italian while I am there.
Amit Jain Indian Delhi, India I can be reached at Or on skype as amitomb Or on facebook as Amit Jain |
I am Indian by Nationality. I live in delhi and working for a Italian company in their Delhi office as their Indian Sales Manager. I am learning Italian at the Italian Embassy in Delhi. If anyone interested to learn english in exchange for Italian language or want to know about India or anything, I am always available.
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Beth Fricker American Willow Grove, PA (USA) I can be reached at |
I've been interested in learning to speak Italian since visiting Italy with my church choir
in 2001. However, I've nobody to speak it with on a regular basis.
About me: I'm married, a homemaker, and have a dog. My interests include reading,
cooking, singing, drawing and other crafts.
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Phil Gliori American Lombard, USA My Italian is fair I can be reached at Or on facebook here |
I am a second generation Italian-American living in a suburb of Chicago. I enjoy vacationing in Italy and wish to improve to Italian beyond the basics. I would like to eventually take an immersion class in Italy. I would like to find a friend in Italy that I can exchange emails with so I can help them with their English and receive help with my Italian. Grazie.
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Marco American Pasadena, California, USA My Italian - Not so good I can be reached at |
Hi! everyone, I am Marco. I love the Itaian language,
culture, and food. I probably visit Italy next year,2013, so I would
like to improve my Italian. In the meantime, if anyone needs help with
English or Spanish, I definitely can help.
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Colette Orlandi American Kentucky My Italian - Not so good I can be reached at |
Salve! Mi chiamo Colette. Parlo un po italiano. I would like to learn more. Like anything else, practice, practice, practice. I look forward to speaking and writing to someone to help improve on my learning.
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Brianna Gardiner American Mount Vernon, USA My Italian - almost none I can be reached at |
I'm very interested in science and I consider myself a feminist. I'm going to be vacationing in Italy and I wanted to learn some of the language before I went.
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Amelia Canadian Vancouver, BC, Canada My Italian - almost none I can be reached at |
Ciao! Mi chiamo Amelia. Ero uno studente a Prato per due mese a 2006. I've recently started studying again, and would love it if someone would be my pen pal! Mi piace la fantascienza, l'opera e i libri. Grazie!
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Clara Keen American Fort Worth, United States My Italian - Fair I can be reached at Or on facebook here |
I am an Art History student with a minor in Italian at Texas Christian University. I am eager to practice and learn the language and do not have the opportunity on campus to apply what I learn in class. I am looking for someone who is patient and willing to help me
Kathy American Murrieta, CA My Italian - Fair I can be reached at |
I have been studying Italian on my own from books and CDs, had a couple of classes of Italian, and enjoy learning Italian via the internet through programs such as Chuck Wagner's Il Tavolo Italiano. I would appreciate learning more from a native speaker. I hope to visit Italy one day.
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Donna Schumacher American Murrieta USA My Italian - "I do not speak Italian" I can be reached at |
I have always wanted to live in Italy. I would like to talk to an American that has taken the plunge and can give me a little help as to where to start. The books are overwhelming. I really need to talk to someone who has done what I want to do!
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Renata Galván American Mission, TX USA My Italian - "Almost None" I can be reached at Or on facebook here |
I am wanting to learn the Italian language and help others learn English. I know very little Italian but am a fast learner. I do have the Rosetta Stone Italiano language program and have completed the "beginner" stage. You are welcome to write in Italian or partial Italian. I have an English/Italian dictionary. I really want to read and write Italian. I am fluent in English and Spanish. I prefer snail mail if possible write me at: Renata Galvan 19824-009, Tallahassee FCI, 501 CAPITAL CIRCLE, NE, Tallahassee, FL 32301 or email me |
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Julie Horwitz Italian and American New York USA My Italian - "Fair" |
I would like to practice via Skype with an Italian. I have dual citizenship and want to improve my Italian.
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Jeremy Lepore American Dover, United States My Italian - "Almost None" I can be reached at Or on facebook "Jeremy Lepore" And on Skype I am J_e_r_e_m_y____ |
I would like to learn Italian to better communicate with my friends.
Kate Thomas English Hereford Uk Not so good I can be reached at |
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Maria American (Spanish) Brooklyn, New York My Italian - "My italian not so good, but improving every day." I can be reached at |
I want to improve my italian before I visit next summer (2015). I love everything about the language, culture and food.
TasFin Bangladeshi Dhaka, Bangladesh English is Sound Good I can be reached at Or on facebook here And on Skype I am tasfin85 |
I want to Learn Italian.
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Annette Picconi American Orlando, Florida USA My Italian - not so good I can be reached at Or on facebook I am Annette Picconi And on Skype I am annette.picconi |
I have been to Italy many times. Last year I lived in Rome for 3 months. My Skype name is annette.picconi. I also have a Facebook account or you can reach me at I studied Italian in Rome for 3 months and now I am trying to teach myself.
Steven Taylor American Los Angeles, USA My Italian - not so good I can be reached at |
I am 22 years old. I just graduated with my bachelor's in civil engineering. I work as a civil associate. I love Greek and Roman art and architecture. And one of my personal goals and passions is to learn and speak fluently the Italian language. I have been to Italy twice and plan to keep traveling back.
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Don Alessandro Domenico Allegro americano Oregon USA language level: non grande, ma non troppo male I can be reached at |
Sono solo un quarto italiano, e inglese è la mia lingua madre, ma mi diverto molto imparare l'italiano. La mia famiglia italiana sono venuti da italia (nord) circa 1870 a San Francisco California e hanno ormai assimilato e diffondere lontano. Mia moglie (svedese) ed io, hanno studiato italiano per circa cinque anni. Viviamo in una piccola azienda agricola biologica. Sono uno psicologo in pensione e adesso un contadino / bracciante.
exchange email addresses |
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Daniel Parker American Croton-on-Hudson, New York, United States language level: Fair to good I can be reached at Or on Facebook as Dan Parker |
Ciao! Mi chiamo Daniel, sono cieco e sordo e studio attualmente a
liceo in un villaggio vicino alla città di New York. Mi interessano
estremamente le lingue straniere, le linguistiche e la musica.
L'italiano fu la prima lingua straniera che cominciavo ad imparare
solo, però imparo ancora. Un dei miei sogni è di viaggiare in Italia e
di conversare cogli abitanti. Amerei corrispondere con qualcuno chi mi
aiuterebbe col italiano, e sarei molto felice ad aiutare qualcuno a
migliorare il suo inglese! Ci insegneremmo le nostre lingue e le
nostre culture!! Sono pronto! Hi! My name is Daniel, I'm deaf-blind
and I'm currently in high school in a village near New York City. I'm
extremely interested in foreign languages, in linguistics, and in
music. Italian was the first foreign language that I started learning
on my own, but I am still learning. One of my dreams is to travel in
Italy and converse with the locals. I would love to correspond with
someone who could help me with my Italian, and I would be very happy
to help someone improve their English! We could teach each other our
languages and our cultures! I'm ready!
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Carolyn American Turnersville, NJ USA language level: not so good I can be reached at Or on Facebook as Carolyn Sheridan Otis |
Hi! I've been studying the Italian language for about 16 months (mainly on my own). I'd like a penpal in Italy to converse with and learn the language as well as the culture.
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Stefan American Atlanta, USA Almost none I can be reached at |
Il mio nome è Stefan. I am in my early 20s and I study the Managerial Sciences at a University in Atlanta. My great grandparents migrated to the United States in the late 1800s to work the coal mines. Before they moved to the States, my family lived throughout Abruzzo and Lazio. To my knowledge, many distant cousins of mine still live in these regions and I hope to travel to Italy to meet them some day. Today, only a few of my family members still speak Italian so I do not hear it spoken very often and many of our family traditions have passed with time.
I would be grateful to have a mate from Italy who is willing to help me learn and practice the language and traditions of Italy. I would also like to be able to help anyone who is interested in learning about the United States or anyone who would like to learn/practice their English. I am very patient, and I would hope that you might be also, because I do not know much Italian, but instead I only remember some basics of the language from a time when my grandparents would speak it around me. That being said, I am very passionate about my goal of improving my Italian, and I am currently taking steps to do so every day. It would mean a lot to me to have a better idea what it means to have roots in one of the most amazing places in the world. |
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Minnie Wanjiku Kenyan Nairobi, Kenya Italian, not so good I can be reached at Or on Facebook as Minnie Wanjiku Or on Skype as Minnie Wanjiku |
I am a linguist fanatic that will appreciate and use all the help i can get
Daniel Australian Hong Kong Italian, not so good I can be reached at Or on Facebook as Beardan76 Or on Skype as Jjhongkong11 |
Australian, male, 39 , learning Cantonese and Italian. Love both languages! |
Reuben Pope English Fakenham Italian, Not so good (A2) I can be reached at Or on Facebook as Ruben Pope |
Ciao, Mi chiamo Ruben e adoro le lingue straniere e specialmente italiano. Imparo l'italiano, il francese e il spagnolo e vorrei qualcuno per parlare con in italiano perché ho bisogno di usare la lingua più spesso. Grazie! |
Italians wanting to email Americans or other English speakers
Manuela Italian Rome, Italy My English is "fair" I can be reached at |
Hello, My name is Manuela, I'm 34 years old and I'm from Rome. I'm an architect; I'm married with two young children (5 and 2 years old) who speak English better than me. I adore USA, I've been there three times and I hope to come again when my children grow up. I like cooking, writing and playing piano and I hope to find some American friends to exchange mails I am sorry but I am not accepting any more pen-pals at this time |
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Fabrizio Italian Rome, Italy My English is "fair" I can be reached at or on skype as fabrizio.tenaglia |
I live in Rome and I want to improve my English level. I'm available to help someone that I like to know italian language. |
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Leonardo Italian Rome, Italy I can be reached at |
Sono italiano anche io e anche io vivo a Roma
adesso dopo 10 anni negli States |
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Alessandro Italian Rome, Italy My English is "not so good" I can be reached at or on skype as afallone |
My name is Alessandro and I live in Rome .I want to improve my English level and I'm available to help some American People to learn Italian language |
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Alexander De Marco Italian Rome, Italy First Language Italian- Second language English I can be reached at |
what can I say...let's talk about it exchanging e-mails :-)
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Davide Italian Padova , Italy My English is "very good" I can be reached at or on skype as davide.policastro |
Davide,native italian, 1 year in NYC (green card stuff!),taught italian abroad (very exciting!), love to connect with people worldwide!
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Norman Italiano Roma , Italy My English is "upper intermediate " I can be reached at |
I'm 31, I live in Rome and I'm interested to improve my business english
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Simona Italiano Roma , Italy My English is "pretty good" I can be reached at |
Hi i would like to improve my English , above all in conversation. Perhaps we can realize it, TOGETHER ! sIMONA
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Roberta Italiano Roma , Italy My English is "good" I can be reached at |
Hi! My name is Roberta from Rome and i like meeting people and share experiences!! I'm a travel addicted and i want improve my English. "I'm ready!!!
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Corrado Italian Rome, Italy My English is "not so good" I can be reached at |
hi i'm italian i would like to improve my english skills and i will help you with my italian |
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Franca Italian Milan, Italy My English is not so good I can be reached at |
Hello, my name is Franca, I'm 36 years old and I live near Milan. I'm married with one daughter. I love USA expecially N.Y. I like travelling, reading I hope to find some American friends to exchange mails for improve my english and help them with italian language. |
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marina Italian naples-italy English good I can be reached at Or on facebook here |
marina de martino from naples graduated , a passionate tour
guide as a travel writer used to say. |
Gandolfi Maria Chiara Italian Modena my english is fair I can be reached at Or on facebook as Gandolfi Maria Chiara Or on skype as kiokio2909 |
To sign up and post your listing go to The Table Partner sign up sheet
Please report any abuses to immediately