Enhanced Comprehensive Italian Level 2 - Lesson #4
Indirect object pronouns, vocabulary on transportation in Italian
After this class you should;Be able to distinguish when to use a direct or indirect object pronoun.
Be able to construct sentences in Italian using indirect object pronouns.
Be able to understand, know and use Italian words pertaining to transportation in conversation.
GrammarIndirect Object Pronouns in ItalianWhat is a indirect object pronoun? Well to answer that let's first look at an indirect object in a sentence. We know that a verb represents an action or some type of state of being. We also know that the subject is the doer of that action or the one "being" something. As a result the subject pronouns are a type of subject. They are a subject where one word (the pronoun) has been used in place of a noun (a person, place or thing). The direct object is the direct recipient of the verb and can be identified by asking who or what. In contrast, an indirect object receives the action of the verb indirectly (through a preposition) and can be identified by asking the question [to or for whom] or [to or for what]. Here are a few examples (for the sake of clarity and having a visible subject in the sentence, I am also including subject pronouns);Io scrivo a Pietro. - I write to Peter. [to or for whom] or [to or for what] do I write? "Peter". Peter is the indirect object. Tu compri un regalo per tuo papa. - Buy a gift for your Dad. [to or for whom] or [to or for what] do you buy? "Dad". Dad is the indirect object. Lui da il libro a Maria. - He gives the book to Maria. [to or for whom] or [to or for what] does he give? "Maria". Maria is the indirect object. Now all we have to do is replace the indirect object nouns with indirect object pronouns and look at how to use them. This chart shows the basic indirect object pronouns
How to use the Italian indirect object pronoun! The weak form of the indirect object pronoun is usually found in 1 of 3 places. First, it is found just before the verb, secondly it is found attached to the end of an infinitive verb and third it is found attached to the end of a conjugated verb in certain instances. In short the placement is much like that of the weak form of the direct object pronoun. We will start by looking at it appearing just before the verb. Io scrivo a Pietro. - I write to Peter. Gli scrio. - I write to him. Tu compri un regalo per tuo papa. - Buy a gift for your Dad. Gli compri un regalo. - Buy a gift for him. Lui da il libro a Maria. - He gives the book to Maria. Le da il libro. - He gives her the book. Here are a few more examples. Ci danno qualche cibo? - Are they giving us some food? Ti telefonerò domani. - I will call you tomorrow. vi parliamo. - We are speaking to you all. Non ti manderò niente. - I will not send you anything. Le spiego i preposizioni - I am explaining the prepositions to her. Now lets look at a couple of instance when an indirect object pronoun being attached to the end of an infinitive. There are many instance where we have an infinitive verb in our phrases such as when we use modal verbs like volere, dovere or potere and also in various subjunctive clauses where the subject is the same in both clauses. Vuole palarrci. - He wants to speak to us. Spero di spiegarti perché non sono a casa. - I hope to explain to you why I'm at home. Devi darmi quello! - You have to give me that. The third method for the weak for is attaching it to a conjugated verb. The week form of the indirect object pronoun is attached to the end of the conjugated verb that it is used with in the imperative tense. Here are a few examples; Parlami! - Speak to me! Telefonagli! - Call him! Spiegaci! - Explain to us! And finally lets take a look at the strong form of the indirect object pronoun which can be used to add emphasis to that indirect object and/or can be used for stylistic reasons. Parleranno a me. - They will talk to me. Offri un caffé a loro. - Offer them a coffee Voglio dare questo libro a te! - I want to give this book to you! | ||||||||||
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ComprehensionPronto.Pronto, posso parlare con Giovanni per favore? Sono io. Chi parla? Ciao Giovanni, sono Carlo! Come stai? Sto bene, grazie e tu? Ti piace Italia? Sì, mi piace molto! È molto bella e la gente è molto gentile! Abbiamo molte opportunità di parlare italiano. Dove sei? Mi stai telefonando da una cabina telefonica? Che cosa significano le parole "cabina telefonica"? Le parole "cabina telefonica" significano "phone booth". Sì, come si dice "beside"? Si dice "accanto a". Sì, c'è una cabina telefonica sul marciapiede accanto ad una stazione servizio. Posso venire qui a piedi. Che cosa farete oggi? Prima, andremo in spiaggia. Più tardi andremo a Napoli per due giorni. Avete una macchina? No, prenderemo l’autobus in stazione e dopo pranzo prenderemo il treno per Napoli. Ti ricordi la mia amica Liliana? Sì, la ricordo perchè le telefoni spesso. Lei abita a Napoli e quindi la vedrò e le parlerò mentre saremo in città. Poi andremo a mangiare una pizza con lei e suo marito. Per favore le dai un abbraccio per me! Sì. Mi dispiace ma ora devo andare. Ecco il nostro autobus. Ciao. Ciao Carlo, buono viaggio e arrivederci! | ||||||||||
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Italian question; Quanti anni hai? How old are you? |
Class DialogUsing only the vocabulary we have learned so far, learn how to say everything below in Italian (except what is in " "), print out and bring the printable form of this dialog and be prepared to say the dialog below for one of the persons in class. (try to use the weak form for indirect object pronouns as much as possible).Person #1 – Good morning ________. Person #2 – Good morning ________. How are you? Person #1 – I am very good, thank you. And you, how are you? Person #2 – Not too bad. When will you leave for Rome? Person #1 – How do you say in Italian “The day after tomorrow”? Person #2 – You say “dopo domani”. Person #1 – I will go there the day after tomorrow. Person #2 – Are you taking the train to Rome? Person #1 – No, I will fly. I need to be at the airport at 7:00 in the morning. Person #2 – To fly is expensive. How much does it cost? Person #1 – I don’t know. My dad buys tickets for me. Person #2 – Your dad gives you the ticket? Person #1 – I hope you write to him and say thank you. Person #2 – I will send a letter to him when I arrive. Would you like to go to Rome with me? Person #1 – Thank you but I can’t. It is too expensive for me. Person #2 – I will buy a ticket for you. Person #1 – Thank you but you don’t have to give me a ticket. I can go. I have to work at the train station the day after tomorrow. Person #2 – I understand. I will see you when I return. Person #1 – Have a nice trip! Goodbye Person #2 – Thank you, goodbye. ![]() | ||||||||||
You can learn more about INSERT TOPIC HERE on these pages of the following books.
144 - 147 of the book "English Grammar for Students of Italian" by Sergio Adorni and Karen Primorac, copyright 1995.
172 - 173 (page #'s may vary as I have an older edition) of "Ciao" by Carla Federici & Carla Larese Riga, copyright 1986.
57 - 60 of the book "Complete Italian Grammar" by Marcel Dansesi, copyright 1976.
58 - 63 of the book "Italian Grammar Drills" by Paola Nanni-Tate, copyright 2007.
29 - 40 of the book "Italian Pronouns & Prepositions" by Daniela Gobetti, copyright 2006.
If you do not own these books, don't worry, it is not mandatory that you do unless you were instructed to buy them at the beginning of the class. However, they can be very useful in a lot of ways and if you would like to know more about these books and where to buy them, simply go to our online bookstore or quicker yet, just click on the appropriate book below.
Did you know?
"Vanished and forgotten, the walled city of Pompeii in Naples, Italy was accidentally discovered 1,669 years after the eruption of its neighboring volcano, Mount Vesuvius, on the 24th of August 79AD. Pompeii’s awful ordeal left at least 2000 people trapped and without a choice but to silently accept their imminent demise. At present, the 150-acre city of Pompei is one of the world’s largest archaeological excavation sites, side-by-side with modern amenities such as pubs, bars, restaurants, tourist facilities, and flourishing commercial areas...."Some areas you will want to see while at Pompeii are; The Amphitheaters, The Basilica and of course the famous bath houses, etc
You can find this information and more at 5 Interesting Facts about Pompei, Italy
You can see a just few pictures of Pompeii here.
Have you heard?
Another song by Anna Tatangelo. While still Pop this is a little different in style and content and actually should be a good challenge as far as comprehension goes for students that have made it to this point. In addition I think it's a beautiful so above all, enjoy! And as I stated before she does usually articulate very well so this is a good CD for students!
great songs are available on ---> |
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