Verb Drills 1 - Lesson 8
Italian verbs in the future tense
After this class you should;Be able to conjugate regular verbs from the 3 conjugations in the future tense.
Be able to identify and conjugate with irregular future verb stems.
GrammarConjugating regular Italian verbs in the future tenseThe future tense is actually relatively easy to learn. In essence all three conjugations have the same endings. The only difference is for IRE and ERE verbs you just drop the final E and add the endings but for the ARE verbs you drop the ARE then ad ER and the endings. This is illustrated below.To illustrate how to conjugate these verbs, I like to use math equations as an example but first here are the conjugated endings for all regular verbs;
To conjugate the regular ARE verbs in the future tense = infinitive verb – infinitive ending = verb stem + "er" + conjugated ending = conjugated verb. Example; Parlare (To Speak) - are = Parl + er = Parler + emo (ending for we) = Parleremo (We will speak) Parlare conjugated in the future tense
To conjugate the regular ERE verbs in the future tense = infinitive verb – the final "e" + conjugated ending = conjugated verb. Example; leggere (To Read) - e = legger + emo (ending for we) = Leggeremo (We will read) Leggere conjugated in the future tense
To conjugate the regular IRE verbs in the future tense = infinitive verb – the final "e" + conjugated ending = conjugated verb. Example; vestire (To dress) - e = vestir + emo (ending for we) = Vestiremo (We will dress) Vestire conjugated in the future tense
There are verbs in all three conjugations that have irregular stems that they use with the same endings. | ||||||||||||
Printable Homework |
Basic Exercise on the future tense.
advanced online exercise advanced online exercise |
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Printable Vocabulary Printable large flash cards (English Side) Printable large flash cards (Italian Side) Printable small flash cards (English Side) Printable small flash cards (Italian Side) |
Downloadable Podcast | ||||||||||||
basic online exercise |
printable crossword | ||||||||||||
Comprehension | ||||||||||||
printable video dialog coming soon | ||||||||||||
Printable Practice Sheets | ||||||||||||
printable comprehension crossword | ||||||||||||
useful Italian phrase; Buona fortuna! / In bocca al lupo! Good luck! |
Class DialogTry to learn how to say everything below in Italian (using the simple present tense for the progressive present), print out and bring the printable form of this dialog and be prepared to say the dialog below for one of the persons in class.Person #1 – Hi ________. Person #2 – Hello __________, how are you? Person #1 – Not too bad, and you, how are you? Person #2 – I am well, thank you. Will you be ready for the exam (esame) tomorrow (domani)? Person #1 – Yes. I study 2 hours (ore) a day and tonight I will study 2 more hours. Person #2 – Really (davvero)? Chuck will be impressed (impressionato)! You are a good student! Person #1 – Maybe. I just want to learn Italian. Chuck says if I study, then I will learn. Person #2 – Why do you want to learn Italian? Why do you study every (ogni) day? Person #1 – Because next (prossimo) year, I will go to Italy with the group and when we go, we will want to go shopping (fare le spese [infinitive]), etc. I will be able to speak Italian before we go. Person #2 – I still do not know why you want to study Italian. Why do you want to go to Italy? Spanish and Chinese will be the languages of the future (future). If you want to be rich (ricco) you will need to learn those languages. Person #1 – My uncles says he will probably (probabilmente) never be rich but he will enjoy life! Person #2 – I will never understand you. What do you want to say? Person #1 – Some things are more precious (preziose) than money and are not always expensive (costose). Person #2 – What are those things? Person #1 – These things are friendships (amicizie), love, good food, good wine, knowing how to relax (per rilassarsi) and learning a beautiful language. Person#2 – Maybe I will learn Italian! Person#1 – You will need to study a lot! Person#2 – If you can learn Italian then I can learn it too! Person #1 – I am hungry, let’s have dinner. Person #2 – ok, let’s go! printable class dialog | ||||||||||||
You can learn more about the future tense on these pages of the following books.
86 - 89 and 142 - 143 of the book "English Grammar for Students of Italian" by Sergio Adorni and Karen Primorac, copyright 1995.
222 - 225 (page #'s may vary as I have an older edition) of "Ciao" by Carla Federici & Carla Larese Riga, copyright 1986.
160 - 164 and 214 - 218 of the book "Complete Italian Grammar" by Marcel Dansesi, copyright 1976.
245 - 247 of the book "Italian Grammar Drills" by Paola Nanni-Tate, copyright 2007.
34 - 38 of the book "Italian Verb Drills" (Third Edition) by Paola Nanni-Tate, copyright 2011.
If you do not own these books, don't worry, it is not mandatory that you do unless you were instructed to buy them at the beginning of the class. However, they can be very useful in a lot of ways and if you would like to know more about these books and where to buy them, simply go to our online bookstore or quicker yet, just click on the appropriate book below.
Did you know?
" Umbria is a region in central Italy. The region is dominated by the ranges of the Appenine mountains (Appennino Umbro-Marhigiano) on the east, and the valley of the Tiber river in the western part.Major tributaries of the Tiber river include Chiascio, Topino and Nera on the south. The highest point is the peak of Mount Vettore on the border of the Marche, rising to 2476 meters. "
This information about Lazio obtained from
Have you heard?
In this song, "ragazza di periferia" Anna slows it down a bit giving us a chance to catch some lyrical content while still displaying some impressive vocal ability! Glad I bought this CD!
great songs are available on ---> |