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Verb Drills I

This is one of two workshops using the book "Italian Verb Drills by Paola Nanni-Tate. If you are not real familiar with the Italian verb and how to properly use them then this class can great expand your horizons in speaking Italian if you apply yourself. This was the first workshop we ever taught and remains one of our most popular.
Week 1

Subject Personal Pronouns, essere and avere in the present tense

Italian Subject Pronouns
How to conjugate the Italian verb "Essere" (to be) in the present tense
How to conjugate the Italian verb "Avere" (to have) in the present tense
___Basic online exercise on how to conjugate the Italian verbs "Essere" and "Avere" in the present tense

Week 2

Irregular ARE Verbs; Fare/Dare/Stare/Andare with related idiomatic expressions

Learning how to conjugate the Italian verbs Fare, Dare and Stare
Learning about Italian Idiomatic Expressions using Avere, Fare, Dare and Stare
How to conjugate the Italian verb "Andare" (to go) in the present tense
___Basic Online Exercise on Fare, Dare and Stare in the present tense.
______Printable Study Material - Irregular ARE verbs and some idiomatic expressions in Italian
______Printable Practice Sentence Exercise - Irregular ARE verbs and some idiomatic expressions

Week 3

Regular ARE Verb conjugation w/48 verbs

Conjugating regular Italian verbs ending with ARE in the present tense
Learning about Italian adverbs that have to do with timing.
___Advanced online exercise translating Italian adverbs dealing w/time - English to Italian
___Advanced online exercise translating Italian adverbs dealing w/time - Italian to English
______Printable Homework for Comprehensive Beginners Italian I Week 6 Regular ARE Verb conjugation w/9 verbs, Adverbs dealing with time and Andare (to go)
______Printable Crossword Puzzle - CBI 1 Wk 6 - ARE present tense verbs and adverbs in Italian
______Printable Homework for Verb Drills I - Week I
___Advanced online exercise translating Italian infinitive ARE verbs - English to Italian
___Advanced online exercise translating Italian infinitive ARE verbs - Italian to English
___Advanced online exercise conjugating present tense ARE verbs
______Printable Study Material for additional ARE Verbs

Week 4

Irregular ERE Verbs – negative and the interrogative

Learning how to conjugate the Italian verbs Potere, Dovere and Volere
Conjugating Sapere in the present tense

Week 5

Regular ERE Verb conjugation

Conjugating regular Italian verbs ending with ERE in the present tense
______Printable Homework for Verb Drills I - Week 2
______Printable Crossword Puzzle for Italian verbs ending in ERE
___Advanced online exercise translating Italian infinitive ERE verbs - English to Italian
___Advanced online exercise translating Italian infinitive ERE verbs - Italian to English
___Advanced online exercise conjugating present tense ERE verbs

Week 6

Irregular IRE Verbs and Adverbs dealing with time

Learning how to conjugate the Italian verbs Dire, Uscire and Venire

Week 7

Regular IRE Verb conjugation w/9 verbs, statements or words of time, with and without

Conjugating regular Italian verbs ending with IRE in the present tense
______Printable Homework for Comprehensive Beginners Workshop - Week 12
___Advanced online ex. translating Italian infinitive IRE verbs for week 12 Beg. Workshop - English to Italian
___Advanced online ex. translating Italian infinitive IRE verbs for week 12 Beg. Workshop - Italian to English

______Printable Homework for Verb Drills I - Week 3
______Printable Crossword Puzzle for Italian verbs ending in IRE
___Advanced online exercise translating Italian infinitive IRE verbs - English to Italian
___Advanced online exercise translating Italian infinitive IRE verbs - Italian to English

Week 8

Future Tense / and, but, if, after, then

Conjugating regular Italian verbs in the future tense
______Printable Homework for Verb Drills I - Week 5
______Printable Crossword Puzzle for Italian verbs in the Imperative Tense
______Printable Practice Sheet for conjugating Italian verbs in the Future Tense

Learning about Italian conjunctions
______Printable Homework (Conjunctions) Comprehensive Beginners Workshop II - la seconda settimana
A little vocabulary relating to education
______Printable - vocabolario - Comprehensive Beginners Workshop II - la seconda settimana

Conjugating irregular Italian verbs in the future tense
___Basic Exercise for Italian Irregular Verbs stems in the Future Tense

Week 9

The Imperative Tense

______Printable Homework for Verb Drills I - Week 4
______Printable Crossword Puzzle for Italian verbs in the Imperative Tense
______Printable Practice Sheet for conjugating Italian verbs in the Imperative Tense

Week 10

Conjugating regular Italian Verbs in the Imperfect Tense

Learning how to conjugate regular Italian verbs in the imperfect tense

______Printable Homework for Verb Drills I - Week 6
______Printable Practice Sheet for Comp. Beginners Italian II Week 5 - Conjugating in the Imperfect Tense
______Printable Crossword Puzzle for Comprehensive Beginners Italian II Week 5 - a bit of review

Week 11

Essere and Avere in the present, future, imperative and imperfect tenses

Learning how to conjugate Avere and Essere in various tenses
______Printable Homework for Verb Drills I - Week 7
______Printable Practice Sheet for conjugating essere & avere in present, future, imperfect and imperative tenses.
______Printable Crossword Puzzle forconjugating essere & avere in present, future, imperfect and imperative tenses.

Week 12

Conjugating regular Italian Verbs in the Passato Prossimo

Learning how to conjugate regular Italian verbs in the passato prossimo
___Basic online exercise selecting the correct auxiliary verb for the passato prossimo.
______Printable Study list of some Irregular past participles for Italian Verbs
______Printable Crossword Puzzle for Irregular past participles for Italian Verbs
______Printable vocabulary for Diario Della studentessa Jean - in classe

___Advanced online ex. translating irregular past participles for the passato prossimo - English to Italian
___Advanced online ex. translating irregular past participles for the passato prossimo - Italian to English
______Printable Homework for Verb Drills on the Passato Prossimo

Bonus Lesson Passato Remoto Irregular Verb Stem Table

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